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How many of us girls have wished for slimmer, more toned legs? I have, which is why in the above photo my legs are edited to death hahaha!
Legs do all our walking for us all day long...
and we subject them to cruel shoes...
Like these... That arch them uncomfortably... Yet all the TLC we give to our feet? Maybe some moisturizing or the occasional reflexology or pedicure session. Compared to our face, legs get so little attention from us!
I know, in order to get awesome legs so much work must be done.
Exercising, dieting, getting a golden tan on them... Who has the time and energy? I don't even know what exercises there are to tone legs.
Coupled with the fact that a lot of food we eat have high salt content, which causes bloating and swollen legs... Just give up and let the legs remain 'meh'.
But what if there is a product that can help increase your blood circulation, reduce water retention and at the same time tone your legs... ALL WHILE YOU DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?!
Introducing Scholl's latest genius idea - Scholl Compression Stockings!
What is it? These compression stockings with its patented partial pressure technology, will create a graduated compression structure to make your legs look AND feel better... All while you are sleeping peacefully! Hurray for no exercise! :p
It is really simple... All you have to do is to put them on before going to bed.
How I pretend to put stockings on
How I actually look putting stockings on lol
(captured by camera accidentally)
Gotta love these Scholl sleeping stockings!! Why?
1) The colours are so pretty! Lilac and milky pink! Love!
2) It actually warms up your legs in the aircon room, which feels snuggly!
3) Now when you put moisturizer on your legs and wear the stockings, it seals the moisturizer close to your skin instead of rubbing off on the sheets. Ok I don't know if this is true but I just feel it rubs off, ok!
4) Your partner will LOVE you wearing these coz they look so cute! Men love thigh high socks. :D
5) I like how there is a hole at the toes, so that your toes won't sweat into the stockings, then don't need to wash that frequently. :X
6) Ok, also the medical stuff I said above, lol
If your concern is not only legs but also your hips/butt, then you can instead try the Compression Leggings, which go up to the waist!!!!
As you can see the stockings also come in nude for day usage!! WOAH!
Very kiasu I shall wear these all the time - sleeping and day - so I can get the ultimate slimmest legs MUAHAHAHA. In the day I can look like the Queen of England coz she is never seen without nude stockings. How terribly crass of everyone else to show their bare (untoned and swollen) legs!
Scholl Compression Stockings are Japan's no.1 selling compression stockings. If you wish to give them a try, here are the prices:
Scholl Compression Long - $50.65
Scholl Compression Leggings - $ 61.45
Scholl Compression Out Sheer Stocking - $ 22.55
Available at Watsons and Guardian.
You are a miser and don't want to pay money? Never mind, Scholl's giving out five pairs of Sleeping Stockings for FREE!! FREE I SAY!
Just leave a comment and tell me why you desperately need the Sleeping Stockings and five winners will be chosen. The winners will be announced on Nuffnang and also on Scholl's facebook page so remember to LIKE them here:
I shall leave you with a photo of me and my foot:
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