Dead Hair

Dead hair is like a dead corpse to me, but there are steps you can do to make it better looking. Dead hair is best to cut it off and start all over again. Ofcourse some of us can't do that! Soooo...

Start by trimming it. Trim atleast 4 to 6 weeks atleast half inch. This removes the split ends and keeps the hair from splitting into two. That's why trims are very important.

Give it a special treatment. A very successful one is treating your hair with, It's a 10 products. Click for more product info

Don't wash your hair more than once every two days. By doing this you are dehydrating the hair.

Change to a shampoo for 'Damage Repair' or 'Protein Care'.

Condition your hair. It avoids tangles in your hair. Putting a leave-in conditioner on makes it better.

When your hair is wet, it's better to use a comb than a brush. Avoid using brushes as they damage your hair

There are many products you can do to your hair to make it look better. You can try hair serum. It eases frizz in your hair.

Make sure that when you're doing the oil treatment, you don't make it very hot as the oil would hurt and damage your scalp.

Avoid using a straightening or a curling iron very often.
Try it as your hair grows healthy your trimming the dead off!
thank you
Gisell xoxo


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