Too long for TWA?

A great question came in via email from one of the ladies participating in TGHBPSC a couple of days ago and I wanted to get your feedback. The question was from Tia, she writes; 

"When do you stop considering your hair a TWA? I have very coily 3c hair with a lot of shrinkage. But if I straighten my hair I have a bob. Would my hair in its natural state still be considered a TWA?"

When I read her question, I immediately thought it was a GREAT one and to be honest, I kind of don't know the answer to it. Some of the other ladies weighed in and gave their answers.  Evelyn responded,  "Good question Tia, I still consider mine a TWA because without any stretching it doesn't touch my shoulders." 

So, what is your answer to Tia's question? When do we stop considering our curls and coils a TWA?



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