Not everything's perfect.

including this program. Today I had a conversation with some of the girls in my program, and I'm glad to say I'm not the only one who has been feeling not so great about our program. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm spoiled by a liberal arts school education where classes are based on student-teacher interaction or if I excel in an environment where conversations with the professors are constantly taking place. Either way, I find that my program lacks a lot of this. I find myself struggling to want to go to class because I am so uninspired. On top of that, my Modern Greek class moves in a speed that I think is unreasonable. We cover a chapter in about 2 days without many explanations of what's going on other than here it is, we'll look over it, do enormous amounts of hw on it and keep going. There's SO much vocab that I still have no clue what it means and today we learned a topic that I still don't know when we use it, yet we're moving on. Tonight I have to create an entire dialogue with another person to recite tomorrow in class. I haven't taken a language class in a while, but I know that intro classes don't just tell you to run before you can walk the way this course is commanding us to. Sigh... I enjoy the field trips and hands on aspects of the program, but as soon as we enter the classroom, I'm immediately discouraged and quite frankly, frustrated


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