Natural Hair Regrets

*GASP* Yes, you read the title right, I have some regrets about things I've done to my natural hair! How many of you are shocked? LOL, we all have our moments and we all make mistakes; so yes, I have learned some lessons on the way over the past 2 years. Like I mentioned in a previous post, September 26th will mark my 2 year natural hair journey and this past week I have been thinking about things I could've done differently to help my hair flourish, along with what I will do from here on out to keep my hair healthy.

My first and MAIN regret is coloring my hair. I know, I know, some of you said not to do in the first place but I wanted "something different" when in all actuality I should have left my hair alone! Yes, overtime I experienced some breakage which in turn stunted any type of length retention I was trying to achieve. To this day, I wish I would've just gotten highlights or maybe even nothing, versus having my whole head dyed. My advice to new naturals is to not color your hair right away. Wait, at least 3 years. That may sound like a long time but you'll have some length and hopefully would have gotten to know your hair by the time you choose to "spice it up" a little bit. I know that some may think their TWAs are boring but would you rather have boring healthy hair or borderline damaged "cute" colored hair? There is too much to loose especially if you have fragile type 4 strands like me and are trying to grow your hair to great lengths. Just a suggestion! 

I have also come to accept that my hair needs to have a low maintenance regimen. Nothing "extra" because then she, LOL, yes, "she", will not flourish. That color really set me back and I would say that last December,when I started protective styling nursing my strands back to health, I can definitely see the difference. 

Speaking of protecting strands! I wish I did more protective styling when I first BC'd, I regret that I didn't. I would dabble in it here and there but I used to have a bad case of "hand in hair" syndrome so I really wouldn't give my hair a break. A tip for my new natural's, "keep it simple sistah," for real! If you want healthy hair with some length, you will have to sacrifice somethings and have patience to get your hair where you'd like it. I've always struggled with hair patience but now my regimen and routine is second nature. I am retaining length and most importantly my hair is healthy!

For the most part, those are the things that I look back and say "Dang, I should've or shouldn't have..." Lesson LEARNED! Do you have any natural hair regrets? Share your experiences and learned lessons below.



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