A Man's P.O.V: Nafis

Name: Nafis
Age: 26
Location: Philadelphia 

How important is a woman’s hair to you? Especially if you are dating her, does she have to wear her hair a certain way to keep grab your interest? (i.e. which styles down vs. ponytail vs. bun, hair length? To me, hair is just hair; however, I do feel that nomatter what hairstyle a woman wears it should always be well kept and neat. AsI get older, I do see myself paying more attention to a woman’s hair now moreso than ever before. At this stage in my life, I feel like everything comesinto play when dating a woman including their hair. By me being a very activeand adventurous person (i.e running, working out, water fun etc.), I need awoman who is ready and down for adventure just as much as I am without therestrictions of a hair issue. 

Do you think that there is a ‘Natural Hair Movement’ or trend going on these days? Why do you think so many women are choosing to go natural now, do you think it’s a fad? Right now it does seem like the natural hair thingis big. Honestly, I really don’t know why that is. There are a ton of naturalhair blogs and videos out there now so I think that may add to it but also Ithink lot of times people just get bored and might want to try somethingdifferent. I was told by a good friend of mine that, “only the strong survive.Having natural hair is a lot of work.” So with that said, I think that willseparate the true natural women from the fad followers

Would you support your partner or family members (i.e. mother, sister, daughter) if she decided to become natural? Of  course! ILOVE women with natural hair. It says a lot about their character I think. Tobe honest, I think I’m more attracted to those with natural hair than thosewithout it. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate and have love for all black womenbut it’s just something about a natural woman that I’m drawn to. Natural womenhave always stood out to me. They represent a part of our culture that has beenstripped away from us. I feel we’ve been conditioned to believe what is consideredto be beautiful, normal, or good-looking when it comes to women especiallyblack women and their hair.  Naturalwomen have my upmost respect because it takes courage and confidence to do whatthey’re doing and to me that speaks volumes.  I’ve been telling my mother for years to getlocs. I think she’d look awesome with them but she won’t do it lol

How important is hair texture to you? If your significant other were to go natural, would the texture of her hair affect your opinions on whether she should remain natural or not? Texture isn't really important to me. Fine, medium,coarse, curly it doesn't really matter. Besides, I can’t be too picky about awoman’s texture when mine is like a Brillo pad lol

What is your definition of “Good Hair” and how do you feel about the word “Nappy?” Growing up, “good hair” to me always meant wavy,soft, straight or long hair. I think we as a people are forced to believe that.Now that I’m older I think that “good hair” is whatever kind of hair makes youfeel good. Whether it be natural or weave, relaxed or loc’d, long or short. Ifit makes you feel good, rock out!

Would you rather your partner wear her hair natural or in a weave? Why or why not? As I mentioned before, I’m a very active person andI would like my partner to be also to a certain extent without her hair holdingher back.  But above all else, I want herto be happy so if that means wearing a weave then that’s something I would haveto deal with. However if I had to choose, it would be natural.

If you are involved with a woman do you think she should consult with you when it comes to making changes to her hair? Not really but I think that depends on the change.If she wants to go completely shaved after having a head full of hair, I think sometype of heads up would be nice lol But after awhile, I think you kind of knowhow far your woman will go with her hair.

Why does it seem like some men are “hung up” on hair length? Does it matter to you? Again, I think this is something that has been forcedon us through the media and everything else we as a people are so consumedwith. The long hair fetish goes backdecades along with this whole “light-skinned” non sense. For YEARS, they’vebeen the only symbols of beauty for black people in this country. It’s beenregurgitated and passed down from generation to generation. There was a timewhen a black person wouldn’t get a chance in Hollywood if they were darker thana brown paper bag. I think this way of thinking has stuck with us.   Her length is not important to me.

Would you be supportive in your partner’s journey togo natural?
Without a doubt.

What makes black women and their hair unique and beautiful to you? Everything about a black woman makes them unique andbeautiful. Their lips, hips, ass (Can I say ass on here? Lol), sassiness, eventheir hair. They all represent beauty. This might sound crazy but to me naturalwomen have a sense of “realness” about them that makes them unique.Immediately, you get the sense that they are down to earth, cool, and openminded. That right there alone is a beautiful thing.  There is nothing more beautiful and sexy thana confident, educated, curvy, down to earth, open-minded natural black woman.

Who is your favorite “curly girl?” (i.e. celebrity, actress, friend, ect.) Erykah Badu, Amel Larrieux, and Alexandra Smith allthree of these women are dope and amazingly gorgeous.


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