Books books everywhere...
Hello WOYWWers!! I hope you are all doing well. Lots of thanks for all your nice comments on my second girl last week. They really mean a lot to me. You are all so lovely!!
So what's on my desk this week? Actually - nothing!
We're having spring break this week. We were thinking about where to go - Kaefer wanted to go into the snow again, both the Geek and I wanted to go camping in Anza-Borrego in Southern California. Well, we were too late for Tahoe, and the weather forecast was full of rain for Southern California and I really don't like camping in the rain. Then I came up with a REALLY GREAT IDEA - we would stay home and DECLUTTER and CLEAN the house. Honestly, I didn't like anymore what the house looked like, we definitely had way too much stuff and I felt like living on a dump (OK, I'm exaggerating a little bit). I was dreaming of a clean house where you could get from one room to the other without falling over something or moving something in order to reach the printer or just run into stuff.
And you know what - they reluctantly agreed, with long faces and lots of eye-rolling.
Yesterday and today I worked on the bookshelves in the family room. This is what it looked like:
Horrible, right?
I cleaned out all the books and started to organize them. I made alphabetical piles, decided which books I want to keep and which ones would go to the thrift store.
There were books everywhere -
against the wall -
and right at the front door.
The books in this box will go to the thrift store.
Then I sorted everything back on the shelves. After a few hours it started to look really nice:
The little containers on top of the shelf hold sand and soil from places I visited.
I'm still not done, but I'm certainly on my way. I hope to show a final picture next week.
But you came here to see a desk - so sorry. However, if you visit Julia's blog you find a very long list of wonderful people and their desks to visit around the world. Have fun! And thanks for stopping by.
Happy WOYWW!!!
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