Vegas Trip & Inglot Store

Between school and work and mostly school, I REALLY haven't had time to update my blog! But since I said I'd be more personal and my BFFs, Jer and Dez, said it was okay to post them on here I was just gonna share some pictures from my Vegas trip a couple weeks ago. My two best friends from Phoenix and I drove up to Vegas for a weekend to hang out with some of our other friends. We always have an epic weekend but I'm just sharing a little of it. ;]

driving up! painted my nails while in the back of my own car lol

I <3 LV!

I didn't drink that yard by myself! I shared with Dez! We would've finished it if it didn't melt by the end! It was sooo strong at the end we couldn't take it! There was a group of about 10 of us just hanging out so you know it was crazy! We hit up one of the malls (I forget which one) but imagine my surprise when I found an Inglot Store!!! I was in heaven! I originally wanted to buy a shadow, a lipstick, and a lipgloss but the saleswoman total sold me on getting a palette! Here's a few pictures from the Inglot Store.

foundations on one side & eyeshadows on the other

nail polish wall

make up bags and brushes

boo bad picture :(

picking colors for my palette

idk why I'm so in love with this color

picking colors

Jerika and I

my BFFs!

in the zone

picture on the wall in Inglot, looked kind of cool

The palette is so cool! I'll do a completely different post with swatches and everything but you basically pick 10 colors and stick it on the giant magnet and they get the colors for you and stick it in the palette for you or you can ask to do it yourself! I tried to check the Inglot website to see if I could order online but you can't. =( The sales lady told me they're trying to expand and make a store in Phoenix, but who knows when that'll be!

Desza's eye make up

One last thing, I don't really advertise my blog on facebook or to my friends but a few of my friends read my blog once in a while and when we went out one night she insisted that I take a picture of her make up and post it on my blog! She bought a palette from Inglot, too, and she's using it! Not sure which colors exactly, but I'm so amazed at how pigmented they are and for so cheap! (each pan was only $5). I'll try to post swatches of my palette tomorrow! =) BTW I'm so annoyed that uploading from blogger makes my pictures smaller! Does anyone know how to fix that?


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