TGHB's Dry Twist "Plumping Method"

Twists and twist outs are a favorite style amongst the ladies in the natural hair community. I think all of us have had the problem of  our twists being flat and smooshed to our heads when we wake up in the morning. I have been trying hard to find a way to prevent or re-plump my twists in the morning and I finally found something that works, warm water and glycerin. This morning was proof that I finally got my water to glycerin ratio perfected. 

Here's what I did: 

1. Flat twisted my bangs with HairVeda's Whipped Clouds. Whipped Clouds is an AWESOME product and it makes twisting a breeze. 

Sidenote:I made sure to de-tangle my hair very well before and after applying the product. It is important that your hair is smooth and that the product is distributed evenly. To ease my de-tangling process I spritzed my hair with warm water to open my hair's cuticles.

2. Once I was done twisting I coiled my ends with Curls "Souffle", spritzed with cold water to seal and then I tied with a satin scarf before bed. That is where the problem comes in, my scarf. Initially, my twists are plump and full but once my satin scarf goes on it's like my hair deflates. 

3. This morning, I woke up with smooshed twists that would yield an even worse twist out. I wanted my bangs to have fullness and definition, not frizz and little body. 

Sidenote: Lately I have been using a spray bottle with room temp water to spritz in the A.M. but I found that was not working. My twists/twist outs would just end up smooshed and soggy, LOL, no bueno. 

Today I added 1/2 tbspn of glycerin to the bottles and put really warm water in the rest. I shook the bottle really well and  sprayed the mix on my hair. Almost instantly my twits began to plump, they were literally inflating. Which was very cool, I have officially solved my smooshed twist issue. My twist out came out pretty good as well, I unraveled them with Shea butter to prevent frizz. Below is a texture shot. 

As a lot of you know, warm water opens up the hair and cold water seals. I was concerned that the new plumping method would leave my hair wet but it didn't. The idea is not to saturate the hair but to mist it lightly enough for the hair to absorb the warm water and expand. 

If any of you decide to try this please let me know how it works for you.



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