Can relaxers to equate "cheating?"

The other day I featured Jarrett and his gorgeous loc’s. During that interview he made a comment about women and relaxers, some of you wanted to know his thoughts/views on them. Well he sent me this email and elaborated a little more on that thought. See below…

I feel like when women relax their hair they are communicating to their bodies that chemicals are needed in order for the hair to be something that it isn't, which is straight. In my opinion relaxers are like an addictive drug, some women cannot seem to live or be without one. Many fail to realize that once you stop relaxing the hair breakage and bald spots can occur if the hair is not treated with care. I'm on the fence with the topic because there's no denying that some women with perms have beautiful healthy hair; it just sucks women feel the need to chemically straighten their hair in order for it to be sleek and smooth. Can’t that be achieved without a relaxer? To me having hair is similar to a marriage and relaxing it can be compared to cheating. Sooner or later you will get caught cheating and your spouse may leave you, just like your hair (by falling out and breaking off). But if you love your hair, respect it, nurture it, it'll stay with you, grow, flourish and give everything you expect it to—almost like in a monogamous relationship.

What do you ladies think about Jarrett’s opinion/view? Weigh in and share YOUR thoughts; I am dying to know what you think.


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