Semi-Project 10 Pan

my 10 pans

So, maybe a month or two ago I started my "semi" Project 10 Pan. I say SEMI because I know I'm still going to buy make up! If you don't know what Project 10 Pan is, it's when you pick 10 beauty products you own and you're not supposed to buy any make up til you've used them all. I know I'm totally cheating the system, but I honestly have been buying less make up since I started it, and I've been using the products I chose a lot more than I normally did. I chose mostly my MAC products just because I've had some of them for a while and I need to get rid of them! Plus the idea of B2M the empty prodcuts sounds pretty good as part of my reward!


+ MAC Studio Fix Powder (in NC43) This is my third studio fix powder, definitely always been one of my favorites! This lasts me forever though! I just want to use this up so I can start using all the other foundations I have sitting around.

+ MAC Strada Blush This is the first MAC blush I hit pan on and I still haven't finished it! I use this for contouring since it has that "shadowy" color.

+ MAC Brow Gel in Clear This is my second brow gel and I don't know why I bought another one because I could just buy a clear mascara! I bought this when I was really into my MAC products and I just need to get rid of it.

+ MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack I swear I could use this EVERYDAY and it loks like I barely touch it! I'm just now hitting the bottom! I don't know why I get excited when I use my products up. LOL

+ MAC MSF Natural Duo This came out with one of MAC's Limited Edition collection and it's half MSF natural and half shimmer. I used up the natural side pretty quick to set my liquid foundation and I even use the shimmer side as a highlighter all the time but it's still ther!!

+ MAC Studio Finish Concealer (in NW35) I didn't realize how much product was in this little pot! The pots look the same size as a regular MAC eyeshadow, but they fill it up to the brim. I use this to conceal under my eyes (to counter the dark circles).

+ MAC Moisturecover Concealer (in NC42) I didn't realize how much product was in this little tube either! It's the same size as the lipgloss but I really don't need all that much product to conceal blemishes.

+ MAC Studio Fix Foundation (in NC44) I LOVE this stuff, but I only use it when I go out not for everyday use. I have maybe 1/3 of the bottle left?

+ MAC Matte Creme I bought this to put on my t-zone to keep the oilies away but it honestly doesn't work all that well for it! So I started using it before I put concealer under my eyes so it doesn't look as cakey (kind of like primer) and I really like it for that, but I've just had this forever and I wanna get rid of it too!

+ Benefit You Rebel Tinted Moisturizer I actually finished this last week!! I did a review on it a few months ago and I do like it, just hate the price tag on it! I chose this for one of my 10 products before I finished it, but I didn't get around to doing this post til now.

I've been going through these products a lot quicker than when I didn't tell myself I was doing Project 10 Pan! Hopefully this will make me use more of my make up products because nobody who isn't a make up artist doesn't need all the mae up I own! LOL


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