Me... and a bird

Hi y'all!!

I'm gonna go to Kukup for the weekend (it's a kelong thingy near JB) so I thought I should blog before leaving!

However, I have to wake up at 630am tomorrow and it's already 1am now so I don't really have time to do a good long entry.

So erm, another patronising entry??

Okok you all confirm won't be angry one you know WHY??? Coz the picture is not only an act chio photo of me but also contains a super cute something:


Yup, as the title suggests... Me and a bird! Yes yes it should be 'a bird and I'. Shutup.

Anyway that's my friend's baby parrotlet and it is so effing cute!!!!!! If you are angry just go look at His Puffiness over there.

It would hop on anyone's fingers and keep chirruping. And here it is, forced to camwhore with me while it has fun playing with my hair.

And thus ends today's entry. Moral of the story? Always exploit the cute things around you for blog entries.

**For evidence see few entries below, 'Mike's baby photos'.

p/s: There is a star on  my face coz they were giving out free stickers during the Samantha Thavasa store opening and I stuck one there to camwhore for a bit and promptly forgot about it. ~★
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