Ask Alex- Hair Type

Happy Monday All!
I hope everyone had a FABULOUS weekend.
I did :-)
I received some good and some interesting questions this weekend
on my Tumblr and via email.
There was one questions in particular that stood out to me
quite frankly, I was bothered by it.
Take a look below and let me know what YOU think...


Um, hi again :) haha. I've decided to go natural. I currently have kinky twists in my hair and haven't started transitioning or even considered the BC but when I take them out I plan on letting my natural hair grow out and just chop off the relaxed hair. I was wondering if my ethnicity has anything to do with my natural hair texture. I'm African and was wondering if my hair will come out "tough" haha. I just don't want to be disappointed. HELP!! Thanks :)

Now, when I read this my first thing I thought was
"this girl is going natural for all the WRONG reasons".
I feel that if your main concern is hair type then you should not be going natural period.
I didn't really know how to answer this question
but I tried... 
See below.

I am not sure how to answer this question. The hair texture that you will have will depend on your genetics and over all background. In my eyes there is no such thing as “good hair” or “bad hair”. To me going natural is all about self acceptance and embracing the hair that God gave YOU. It seems like you may be fishing for a certain hair type that you may not have. My advice to you is to NOT do that. You will set yourself up for disappointment if you are looking to have a certain hair texture or curl. It seems like you may be going natural for the wrong reasons. You should re-think your decision to make sure being natural is really for you.

Much Love,

What do y'all think about this question
how would you have answered it?
Didn't it seem like she wanted me to tell her what type of 
hair she would have?
Feedback is WANTED on this post.

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