Reflections in Glass

Kat at The Kat Eye View of the World had a beautiful post of reflections in glass on her blog, and asked us to join in with our own photos..

In the Exploratorium, San Francisco
I love to take pictures of reflections, and when I looked through my archive I came up with a few of them that I would love to share here.

Vancouver, BC

I thought this reflection in one of the tall buildings in Vancouver, BC were just supercool.

Berlin, Germany

Inside the glass dome of the Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin

Same place in the evening; the reflected purple chairs are in the chamber of the Bundestag (parliament) which is on ground level.

I love to take pictures of reflections in traffic mirrors, especially when it is such a lovely old house like here in Herrenberg, Germany.

Strictly speaking, this is not a reflection in glass...

The Geek and I while we were still dating.


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