The last Harry Potter film and the first time I’ve gone to the cinema alone. It makes sense really, as none of my Estonian friends are as mental fans as I am. And for years I’ve heard people saying that going to the cinema alone is one of their favourite things ever, so I decided that it was time to try it myself.
The experience was alright, but I don’t think I’ll turn it into a habit. I’m not a huge fan of going to the cinema anyway, and being alone only accentuated the negative sides of it: the woman next to me explaining the plot to her friend loudly enough that I could hear every word, and the smell and sound of popcorn which is pretty distracting and even nauseating if you’re not having any yourself.
And then the trailers. I used to love them, but either my taste has become too snobby for Hollywood movies or the latest ones really are mostly shite, because Jesus, I just sat there, feeling my life slipping away, and my brain cells as well. I do want to see Bridesmaids and Bad Teacher (although with all the dirty words cut out, the trailer for the latter was quite pathetic), but the rest was just rubbish action and sci-fi galore.
Well, then we got to the film. I’m having a hard time deciding what I exactly thought of it on the whole. The first hour was pretty fucking epic, but the end bit that was no doubt meant to be climatic was just a bit meh for me. I feel the scenes of preparation and anticipation were better than the Battle of Hogwarts itself. But obviously this is classic me, always having expectations so high that nothing can live up to them. And already knowing the plot and thinking, ‘This is going to be epic, this is going to be epicisn’t the most helpful place to start. But it’s not like I didn’t love it, or get quite emotional several times. It actually felt like my school and my friends – because they pretty much were characters in my own story of growing up as well. That itself is already pretty amazing.

Now, I think we need to recognise something important about the films: how bloody attractive the cast have grown up to become! Phoar.
Like, have you seen Matthew Lewis (better known as Neville Longbottom) lately? He looks like he should be playing a freaking Austen hero! Didn’t see that coming…

Pictures from weheartit.com


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